Saturday, October 25, 2008

Attack on Greenspan: Original Email

If anyone who cares about politics and finance, I'm sure you've been
watching Alan Greenspan appear and testify in front of the Congress
oversight committee in the last few days.

This is who we trusted with the money supply and ridiculously low
interest rates that led to horrible lending practices, investments,
and "keeping the financial system stable".

The federal reserve is a joke. Don't regulate the markets, regulate
the FED, or get rid of it all together and reform.

Here is the famous bubble maker at his finest. This is his response to
why we are in the mess we are in. :

I'd bet a significant amount of money that Ben Bernanke will be in the
same position years from now after this bailout package and the low
interest rates we have now create another bubble.

Andrew Alanis

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